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This Is Our Story


Are you ready to explore with us? Buckle up, hit that follow button, and let's embark on this unforgettable road trip together!


As we plan our road trips, I am usually the planner with the detailed itinerary. I do the online research and make most of the necessary reservations. My wife, however, is the driver that starts each day and starts the car and says "okay, which direction?".  In fact, April rarely reads the schedule and knows very little about each day. Our daughter rarely contributes to the planning (unless we can squeeze in a concert or two) but always goes with the flow no matter what we are doing. She does check in with the itinerary, however, and will usually very quickly point out if something was missed. 


What about you?  Do you make a detailed itinerary or do you simply ask "which direction?"  Nonetheless, the most important thing is that you have that adventurous spirit and you are ready to see and ready to experience all that lies ahead!  




April, Avery, & Ginger



April, Avery, and Ginger

The fine print:  We don't get any freebies for the reviews we do.  We simply want to pass along our honest feedback. If this blog is helpful, please consider buying us a coffee. Or you can help us out by purchasing one of the items that we share through the Amazon links. We'll earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) through these affiliate links. We also recently launched our Etsy Shop with our creative designs inspired by our life experiences. Any purchase helps support what we do. 

Let's Go!!!!! 



©2023 by The Travel Gritty. All images are copyrighted.

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